And October 7th has no real meaning.
Except that three years and five days ago, I started blogging. I hadn't noticed until someone reminded me to update my archive above. And yes, it is updated.
Ahh, October 7th. It's the day of California Recall stupidity. I have been following, with some interest, the campaign trail of Georgy Russell, the 26-year old software programmer from Mountain View, California, who knows how to use both vi and emacs! Mind you, that's not why she's a remarkable candidate: she actually has a platform. <plug/>.
Speaking of elections the Ontario provincial elections were last week. Crappily, I didn't get much to exercise my right to vote, due to technicalities regarding my "riding of residence". Nor did I want to drive all the way back home to vote. Although all you need, technically, is a piece of paper with both your name and address on it (hydro bill), being a co-op, moving every four months, I have yet to receive any paper with my name and address.
So much for democracy.
My friend was supposed to receive a letter today, via an unnamed courier (which I will keep anonymous. In today's world of expedited shipping, one cannot fanthom tracking millions of packages around the world without a plethora of barcodes, tracking numbers, and satellite-linked scanners.
And we received a handwritten note in our mailbox.
"Tried delivering your package today but you weren't in. Please call my truck at 519-555-1234 and I can redeliver later."
Aren't dinosaurs extinct?
So much for technology. |